


By accessing and using this website, you accept the provisions included in the following disclaimer:

The information on this website, including but not limited to logos, commercial information, drawings, (product) names, pictures et cetera is the intellectual property exclusively owned by Stema Systems BV, Poppenbouwing 52, 4191 NZ Geldermalsen, the Netherlands. No part of this information may be used or copied without the previous written permission of Stema Systems BV.

The information on this website is meant as a general source of information only. It should not be considered to contain any personal or individual commercial or legal advice, or any specific offer, and Stema will not accept any liabilities regarding any incorrect or incomplete information on this website.


Our website may refer to certain partners and/or other companies. Stema does not guarantee the correctness of any information issued by these partners or companies and will not accept any liability for these references , e.g. in case any user of our website contacts any of these partners or companies and incurs any damage caused by the same partners or companies.

In case your information is filed by us, e.g. if you subscribe to our newsletter, this information will be used by us for internal purposes only. Such information will not be disclosed to other persons or companies by us. You are entitled to require the correction or the deletion of any information issued by you to our company via our website, on written request.

The use of our website and the contents of this disclaimer are both subject to the laws of the Netherlands and in case of any dispute and/or litigation related to the use of this website and the contents of this disclaimer, the courts of ‘s Hertogenbosch shall have exclusive jurisdiction.